Passive IR Detector Features: Range: 15 m Aspherical lens: coverage 90° 7 levels and 41 sectors with sealed optics Mirror look down for anti-masking cover Select-able line balancing elements 1-2.2-4.7-10 kohm -Select-able pet immunity…...
Passive IR + MW Dual Technology Detector Features: Range: 15 m. Aspherical lens: coverage 90° 7 levels and 41 sectors with sealed optics Mirror look down for anti-masking lens Operation: AND, OR/SECURITY (IR integration)…...
Passive IR Outdoor Curtain Detector Features: Passive infrared curtain sensor with Fresnel lens Frequency: FM 868 MHz – single freq. max radio range 150 m – Coverage of 8 m max. with maximum opening…...
Passive IR + MW Dual Technology Outdoor Curtain Detector Features: Dual technology IR+MW 24Ghz with curtain coverage Range 12 m max with maximum opening of 2 m Height of installation between 1.9 and 2.2…...
Passive IR + MW Dual Technology Outdoor Detector Features: Dual passive infrared + dual MW channel Range from 15 to 23 m Coverage from 5° to 90° m (optional lens included) ANTI-MASKING function with…...